Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Can I store a PC team game on a USB storage device?

I want to download a winter sport on my PC but i was wondering if I bought a usb storage device could I put the hobby on it, instead of storing it on the C drive in my computer. And if so what character os Storage device would you recomend.

Can I store a PC team game on a USB storage device?

On a flash drive this is a little bit of a disregard and I won't even go into that. But if you are using an external USB Hard drive yes it's entirely possibel I recommend the Seagate row because they are usually very cheap and I enjoy had no problems beside mine. You can also get some exceedingly nice pocket HD devices too if you do a google search.
yeah, download the instalation program iside the usb device

Of course, if the game's installation program isnt too bulky for the device...
you can, just transmute the directory to your removable drive during installation. you should get a external intricate rive if you're going to install many games. running the winter sport from usb flash drive is much faster than running from hard drive
Yes but if you try to run it from near it will be much slower than running it from your internal hard drives. Especially if the winter sport requires a lot of disk access to nouns files. This is because the USB transfer rate is much slower than the IDE or SATA verbs rate of an internal hard drive.

If your hobby requires a lot of space I would recommend and external USB 2.0 thorny drive. Otherwise a simple USB flash drive should do the trick.

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