Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Ati Radeon X1600, better than X800s, and compatitble beside Battlefront II?

I be wondering this because I have found other on a X1600, but the websites don't say if its compatible beside Star Wars Battlefront II. Is this video card better than the X600, X800, etc. series?

Any help would be appreciated!

Ati Radeon X1600, better than X800s, and compatitble beside Battlefront II?

Of course it's compatible next to SW:BF2. It fully supports DirectX9.

The X1600 is rather a low-end card, so it might not defeat X800 or higher as they are high-end cards, but it should overpower the X600.
It is a better card. Make sure that you have a PCI-Express slot and yes it will run BF2 near no problems.
Depends on which x800 series card we're talking roughly speaking. My X850XT blows that 1600 away in frame rates because it have 16 pipes and is 256 bit, that 1600 is only 128 bit I believe and smaller number than 16 pipes.

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