Sunday, September 12, 2010

A audio cd have broken surrounded by my computer dvd rom drive and its not eject the cd, is it accumulate to unequivocal the dvd rom

to gain the broken cd out its says out side class 3b distinct and invisible radiation can some body help me please

A audio cd have broken surrounded by my computer dvd rom drive and its not eject the cd, is it accumulate to unequivocal the dvd rom

it's safe and sound, as long as you have it turned sour, of course.

do know that once you depart it up, it will void your warranty.

most cd drives own a little hole on the front panel. try to locate it and use a unbend paper clip and try to push within. that usually ejects the tray.

The answers post by the user, for information just, does not guarantee the right.

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