whenever i walk on utube or yahoo music or listen to anything on the computer, the sound keep jumping?!
whenever i play cds on my notebook they sound fine!
it's merely when i listen to stuff on the internet.
Audio keep jump?
i agree beside richard,when you listen to streamed music,you are basically listen to the music online from their server and the music has to be buffered previously you hear it,so for example when you see the message 90% bufferedthen its a devout time to start listening to the music within question as by the time you conquer 90% of that song the buffering will be at 100% or in other words finished
be as when you listen to a song through your media player on the desktop,the music is self played directly from your hard drive so the music is within real time and thats why your music wont get on your p.c
the faster your internet connection the quicker your music will buffer online,and the better music streaming you will experience
some medium players have audio competence options,try lowering yours and see if theres a revival
i hope this helps
righteous luck mate!
it is probably as the file you are downloading buffers. linger till it is completely downloaded before playing it
Some of these programs do not nouns the music they play it directly which means the buffering is lost sometimes and it have to stop to pick p from before.
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