Sunday, September 12, 2010

6600GT SLi or single 7600GT?

should i tag on another 6600gt for SLi, or should i just buy a hot 7600gt/8600gt

6600GT SLi or single 7600GT?

i have never done a sli set up formerly,but from what i read,you get a average of a 80% boost contained by performance,its almost close to the card you use is running allmost twice as fast,but the lone problem need to cause room for it(if you dont have any),and your gonna call for a bigger power supply.

looking @ what you are considering,i would personally move about with the 8600 choice,supports dx10,i believe they run roughly speaking as fast as a top smudge 7900,cant remember correctly.

your better off setting yourself up for the adjectives of gaming,the prices are pretty low at the moment,i was thinking of sli set up for my unknown computer,but its not really worth it,i might as well spend the extra bucks and carry a 8800 card the low one,for about 300

fyi - 8000 series cards pretty much make getting a 7 series card pointless

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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