Friday, September 17, 2010

Can a graphics card do what a video appropriation card can?

I hold a NVIDIA GeForce 6150 SE graphics card, with what 128 mb of RAM? I've installed a total of something like 3GB of RAM on my computer. I want to convert VHS to Digital and burn some DVDs for family.

Do I have need of to be concerned with Video RAM on my computer?

Do I call for to update my graphics card or just win a video capture card? Either opening I need a process to get analog into my computer. Is here a good point video capture card?

How do I know if my motherboard is PCI express arranged? I'm not much of a gamer, but the possibility is always within? Lots of questions which can travel a million different directions. But lots of new words for me as I look on the internet and I regard several may mean like peas in a pod thing, but I'm sorta a neophyte at adjectives of this. Thanks in mortgage.

Can a graphics card do what a video appropriation card can?

You do need a video occupation device ( External USB, or internal PCI, or Laptop-PCMCIA, all work fitting. They all come near software, and most all do the converting internal to themselves. This reduce the need for large end CPU power to process the facts stream and convert it to usable data. Some say-so they can use USB 1.1, but I would make sure I have USB 2.0 to be able to fiddle with the data input. You really don't entail to upgrade video ram, and 3GB is more than plenty RAM. Depending on which way you would similar to to go- New Video w/ integrated capture ( roughly $150 to 250 ) or new invasion card ( $50 to 150 ) should not be too difficult.

As far as PCI express, there should be a website for the MOBO mfgr, and they should own that info...

The answers post by the user, for information only, does not guarantee the right.

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