Friday, September 17, 2010

Can I emulate a USB drive using my computer and a USB cable?

I hold lots of devices (cameras, stereo system) that have USB ports and can read audio or video files from USB drives.

Is in attendance a way to emulate a USB drive on my computer? I would similar to to connect my computer to my camera or stereo with a USB cable, and access files on my computer from these devices (as if the files be stored on a USB drive plugged directly into my camera or stereo).

Can I emulate a USB drive using my computer and a USB cable?

Yes it is possible

It would probably require using a USB crossover cable, but I don't think anyone have written a program to do it so you're probably still out of luck unless you are a programmer or are willing to hire a programmer to do it for you.

The answers post by the user, for information singular, does not guarantee the right.

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